AS all of us if you are crazy about fishing and you have computer, you know Google Earth, your best friend to get you to this remote lake or to show you how far is the river from the road or even just to check out where all the rivers and places we talk about in Le Mouching, simply are! I’m sure the first thing you did was to check out your house Hey! Look that’s my house!! Look my wife’s car!!!…hum what’s it doing in front of Uncle’s Bob house… Well, we all have a good use of Google Earth but now you can download the add on that’s going ruin your week end’s plans: Google Ocean! Now you can go further you just want to check how that beach looks in the Bahamas ? Just go check it underwater ! And you don’t have to think about how much air you have left ! You can dive for hours !! Ain’t that cool??? Have a nice week end… I’m sure that afterwards you’ll want to watch The Abyss again…[youtube=]