The month of October had barely packed it’s baggage, the first little north wind announced the flames in the fireplace and the delicious fragrance of grilled chestnuts; the impatient Temple Merchants line up on the avenue in the illusory hope of selling their junk as so-called Christmas gifts through le Mouching.

We say clearly: “THAT’S ENOUGH!” We’ve had it!

Yes, that’s enough of the famous fishing rods in platinum that costs the equivalent of nine months of salary for coal miners. That’s enough of waders in gold leaf from the House of Dior. That’s enough of the 4×4 from Lamborghini and the flies signed by Karl Lagerfeld. We want anymore than that!

The crisis is here and in considering it, it is urgent to be thrifty.

So, at le Mouching, we have created a line of christmas gifts adapted to the situation.

Just look at this fishing outfit of a remarkable simplicity. An end to the vests that fall apart! No more vests! An end to the waders that fill with water. No more waders, we are men apart after all!

Only the simple, the elegant, the rational and the economic.

And, dear readers, applaud this vehicle that will take you over the hills and the valleys. What a substantial economy of gas! Only three tires instead of four! I ask you why is it that nobody, before us, came up with the idea?


And with all this, those malicious gossipers who say that at le Mouching we are not on the cutting edge of progress! What idiots!