While we were in Patagonia, our friend Patrick told us his fishing adventures in Cabo San Lucas in the 80’s where he used to guide for MArlin on the fly. One day a friend of his called from LA,  I’m coming down to visit you with a couple of friends… that guy was the producer of The Rolling Stones and he came along with Keith RIchards and his girlfriend. Patrick told us he was the funniest and sweatiest guy ever, although they didn’t do much flyfishing (aparently, Keith was not an early riser…) but they had parties every night and a lot of fun. Patrick and Keith got along together and since them every time The Rolling Stones come to play in Paris, Patrick, Le Mouching’s ambassador, is invited by Keith Richard at the gig! Life is not all about Rock’n Roll! It also seems that Keith likes to fish for stripped bass too! Happy Birthday Mr Keith Richards and many more to come! [slideshow][youtube=http://youtu.be/YItltQ0snqA]