Since the times when the impressionists fell in love for cheap wood-block prints and set the sushi trend on the left bank of the Seine, Japan is in our French eyes a place of discreet and refined exotism. Now, when  Hideto Ed Yoshida of the Tokyo Fly-fishing & Country Club takes his fly rods and leaves for Hong-Kong, as the average French Joe, you expect something different. And you’re right: in the rivers of the New Territories, you can catch a (modest) tarpon… or a carp! Anyway, you’re in for a good bang in the wrist.[youtube=]

Guys, it’s time to take care of your carbon footprint. With a little sweat, we’ll have GTs in the gulfs of Brittany, and tarpon in Paris… Not everything sucks about global warming. You know what? I think I’ll go burn a couple of tires tonight.