We are all the same, except one or two wise men, our phone became an extension of ourselves and it’s like a leash that links us to the outside world. I must confess , I have a hard time getting rid of it. Some of us are so scared not to be able to take their phones with them, it becomes an obsession. They wrap it in film, hide it in so called sealed pockets, anything, but they have a real hard time leaving it at home. So, for all of us, Derek De Young, the famous painter who puts fish everywhere, has made a case, or even several different cases, to take our phones everywhere! Some are water proof, some are just pretty cases, but I’m sure you’ll like to have one and show off with it! Myself, I would love the waterproof one for iPhone, if anyone’s reading those lines, I’d like to remind you Xmas is coming very soon….Derek De Young