Today is about freedom

If destiny allowed you to be born free and a creator, with all that the word comports of strength, of possibilities and of danger, you will live a heroic life, the most beautiful but the most dangerous that exists.

Between a tramp sleeping on his bench and the artist arrived at the height of dreams, there is a common measure. Love of freedom, action in that freedom and suffering in that freedom. The first lost the bet, the other won, but at the beginning they both bet on the same horse.

The artist, the poet, the creator of beauty, they all pledged allegiance to the heroic fatality: “remain free”. This cherished freedom, this day of glory, it comes at a high price with daily and incessant risks.

It’s on your feet, in a state of war with society that these living works were conceived and hammered out.

Fernand Léger

PArade du CIrque Fernand Léger