When you are in Aveyron, it’s such a great place there are many things that you have to visit, and there are many things Aveyronnais people, or as we call ourselves the rouergats, are proud of and waht we love we want to share with others, starting with the amazing landscapes of our country (we can call Aveyron a country), and with it comes the food: tripous, farçous, aligot, beef from Aubrac, lmabes of Le causse, truites of river Viaur (catch and release, please, go to the fishmonger) and the cheese, Laguiole, Roquefort, Perail, and I’m not counting them all, and let’s not forget our desserts, “gateau à la broche”, fouace, stawberries from Saint Geniez, Cherries from le Tarn…it goes on and on. You got it, we are proud of our land, but it’s tough, freezing cold in winter, darn hot in summer. There is one thing that summs all of that, it could be Pierre Soulages Art, that’s why we have this fantastic museum dedicated only to his art, in Rodez, and for the best, bring the best! I’m talking now about food, the Café Bras, from teh famous chef Michel’s Bras (only open at lunch time) and for a place like this one, they had to make an exquisit knife, a mix between the famous Laguiole knife and a paint brush, this knife is a beauty, the Café Bras knife from Les Forges de Laguiole is a must!