Ouch… They are back, the nutcases, the weirdos, the knukle heads, the awful ones who say crap, poo, shit, every two words, it’s us Le Mouching crew! But for once you are going to love is! You and your wife, you kids, your co-renters, girlfriends, boyfriends, people you’re working with, everyone is going to thank us! Well all the ones who are sharing the jones with you. You know when you have to pretend you didn’t go to the toilet, when you have to  close the door silently, looking at the ceiling  whisling or singing a song, ready to do everything so people around you don’t think it’s YOU who has droppend THAT bomb! That terrible smell that betrays you, the one you cannot hide and they say about you: he’s been to a flyfhsow and ate hot dogs and burgers for 3 days… yes, you know what I’m talking about! You can pretend whatever you want, you can burn the famous match that is suppose to burn all the gaz as you toss it into the bowl, you can spray whatever you want, the place stinks like shit, and you did it! But that was “before”, before you bought the APC post poo drops sold by Aesop! This is your saviour, all your friends, family and co workers are going to love you! And if you still can’t do anything about it, maybe you need to go and take a crap in the woods! 
