We’ve got news from Vail, Colorado, where the WFFC 2016… And they’re great!

We’ve confessed a kind of flegm about fishing, a kind of flex stance, sharp eyes easily distracted by a landscape, an old bridge, that girl on a bicycle, swift hands but reaching for the knife to cut some cheese, or the Bourgueil bottle as often as we grab the rod… in a word: the wankers on the rivers school. Not exactly the thirst for the win, the competitor’s mood.

Yeah right. But shit, we’ve just heard that Julien Daguilanes is World Champion, imagine that. And with Sébastien Delcor and Grégoire Juglaret, there’s 3 Frenchies in the top ten, which says something about the boys’ fantastic talent. And even though the Spanish team wins gold, la France will take home silver…

Here’s to you Sirs! We’l have a couple of cups in your honor!
