If not today (if you have some free time and are not tied up in the kitchen to cook) when is it you’ll tie a turkey fly ?

Before you cook that turkey, take some feathers, the ones from the second row… they are better and go to the vise ! You’ll have plenty of extra time to help for the party later and you’ll give you fly to one of your guests to be thankfull to have him in your life! At Le Mouching we are thankful for so many things, first we are thankful to have you as readers, we are thankful to be able to laugh about almost everything, we are thankful to be able to go fishing almost whenever we want and we are thankful to have a job that is fun! Oh! I forgot we are also thankful to have found this video from Algonquin Fly Tying Supply!


And now you’ve used those feathers, you can do whatever you want with the turkey!