coverThere we were, checking our watches, not knowing how to split time between, work, family, Xmas shopping, friends and leasure. Should I go shopping before going to the office? Should I get the kids presents on the web? Shall I buy myself that f*cking Xmas present I always wanted? Would I get Champagne? Should I take the day off for cooking and shopping? Will I invite my parents? Will We have her parents? I I buy all of that will I have enough money left for a fishing trip this year? And Art, would I buy art? So many questions, so many questions fusing in our heads, the Xmas season is hell as well as it could be fantastic, and what about this year’s politics, what’s going to happen to the world? What should I do.

That’s how I was this morning, that is the questions I was asking myself. Than my mailbox went “ding” and there it was, the latest issue from This Is Fly, the number 60!!! I looked at the cover and all the questions I was asking myself about Xmas, about life, about the future, just went down the drains. I’m reading This Is Fly, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! You should too!

1 – A Carp story by Mark Rauschenberger, because Carp is cool, Carp is the open door to flyfishing for many of us.


2 – The Tyer, by Rauschenberger, because fly tiying is much more than fly tying!rauschenberg

3 – Guatemala by Christiaan Pretorius because will like big fish and easy living!guatemala

4 – Downriver by Ryan Fries, because drum gives ryhtm to the waters!downriver

5 – The tug is the drug by our dear friend Paulo Hoffman, because Barbel drives us, europeans, nuts, from the ones in Northen Europe on nymph to the ones in Sapin and Portugal, they drive us crazy!barbel

5 – Featured artisit : Jake Keeler, ‘cuz we can’t live without art!jake-keeler

6 – Running the Coast by Jamie Howard, because Strippers rules!strippers

7 – Featured Photography by Dr Grant M. Wiswell, because it’s not your ordinary eye!grant-wiswel

8 – A Dance with the devils by Hunter Harlow, because a boat trip is always better!hunter-haarlo

9 –  Of craters and coral heads by Dr Grant M. Wiswell, because only the word Bikin turns us on!bikini

Now, have a great day and wait for the next issue. Next year!