As you know we love fishing but we also love a lot of other things, we find that life is too rich to only focus on one thing, even if it is fly fishing. So we like music, we like food, we like, litterature, we like doing nothing, we like cars, we like art, we like architecture. We like love LAPS. Laps? Laps is Sophie Paumelle and wat she does just caught our eye, but also our heart. We love the way Sophie manages to make giant statues with plywood, destroyed wooden crates to give life to animal that are part of the landscape, of the room. It might be the size that is fascinating or just the soul of the statues, because those statues have a soul. We just love them! From the octopus to the grouper and to the shark, we love’em fishies! If you love them too, you can write to Sophie Paumelle.octopus3-1296x862 CCKIDS_Bigfish-1296x838 eaualaboucheS2-1296x862 MEROU 7 13769435_1763409103875100_7832176983943664873_n DSC00900 DSC00867 IMG_5273 Shark-1shark photo @ Daisy Reillet IMG_0138 IMG_0137 IMG_0126 IMG_0113