Joseph White Brooks is one of those fisherman and writers who powerfully shaped the sport in the twentieth century. One of those bigger than life characters who really make a difference. In this extract from an IF4 documentary, we’re told about one of those moments when a whole world is thrown upside down. Imagine what Patagonia was like in 1955. A couple of guys fly fishing in a style directly drawn from Halford on the Tee’s banks. In Patagonian rivers with the southern wind and the huge trouts who live there. It’s tough. And that summer of January 55 comes an American guy, with a fiberglass rod who double hauls 25 meters of line to drop a streamer in from of the river’s chromed monsters. Can you imagine what was going on in the head of the locals? And then, revolution squared: he puts the fish, that beautiful huge trout, back into the river. Catch and realease.

Durin those weeks, fly fishing was born in Argentina.
