Aitor Coterón is a Spanish master of the flying line. He’s got FFF and PAIL certifications and he’s been instructing for 15 years. He’s the guy Jason Borger calls to proofread his casting bible. All in all: one of the good ones. He’s a killer at video dissecting casting faults. A myth buster and a great practitionner. And he’s a great guy too, fluent in English, and a little French maybe. Generous with his knowledge, in personnal communications or through his website. Ok, you get it. We’re fans.
He’s giving spey tuitions these days. At 100€ for half a day, 150 for the full day, it’s in my humble opinion money very wisely spent. At least if, like me, you’re new to the whole spey business. Or if you feel that there’s still something to learn. He’s in Bilbao, a good opportunity to start the trout season in the Basque country, following Hemingway’s steps…
Interested? Catch him on Facebook or mail him here!