Here I am, glued to the window, waiting for the weather to be nicer. A kind of melancholia gto me lately, although we are technicaly in Spring it’s still winter and the rivers have way too much water over here to get excited, fly fishing industry in old Europe is slowing down, everything feels like water running through your fingers when you have closed hands. But every day we get new readers, every day we’re getting emails congratulating us for what we do and how we do it, everyday we have new contacts thanking us to push fly fishing and Le Mouching forward! It’s true, we don’t really realize it but it’s going to be nearly 10 years that we are giving you the best of the fly fishing world, sun or rain. When we started, some said, we were not going to last a couple of years, and we are still here, with stats getting higher everyday, even if unfortunatly, print is loosing its readers. So to cheer everyone up, here’s what I’ve found in our private music vault, this funky mixtape from Roosticman our favorit DJ from Barcelona! You can download The Way of the Groove, by clicking on the title or listen to it hitting the link below. Thank you for being so many to follow us. Peace.