At last a nice story on Le Mouching, and it’s about time! All they do is post flyfishing films! They forgot that you like to read stories and the craziest, the better! C’mon Cyril, Romain,  Laurent and all the others, you lazy f#*ks, get to work and write!

He had brought in his luggage a moutain of spices and mysterious ingredients from his country, the Lu Wenfu guy, and when he unpacked all of those perfumed groceries from his suitecases there was on top of all of that a fly fishing rod. We surely made funny faces, Cyril and myself.
That Chinese was no ordinary Chinese, a ghost among the millions of other invisible citizen from that country far bigger than my Ardèche.

That guy had written an amazing book with a promising title : The Gourmet and stories of Modern China. gourmet
It was about life, the abundance of refined dishes available before Mao came to power with misery and abandonment of those marvelous courses, rejected as being a capitalist heresie,  some pretentious useless petty bourgeois attitude. All of that during the “Big Step Forward” from 1958 to 1960. mao

-“So, dear Flèche, are we done yet? When are we going fishing? Knowing by reading the “little red book ” (page 69) that your amazing skill, I travelled especially from Beijing to Ardèche, almost only to fish with you!”

-“ My dear Lu Wenfu, I must tell you that last summer was a real tragedy for our rivers, and for nature as a whole. Not a drop of water for months and months! You could have crossed The Ardèche, my beloved river, without getting your shoes wet! And our dear fish, not even the shadow of a scale on sight, nada! Our rivers are empty! But for the past two weeks it has rained generously, and if you insist, we could go and have a look at my favorite spots, very soon. You must know I’m always ready to cast my fly into the waters.dry
-“ With a tremendous joy, dear occidental friend. But on one condition, I take care of the lunch!
– “ Well, dear oriental friend, if you insist.
When, a few days later, we arrived by my river, it was clear that the God of water had worked his ass! My beautiful river was all fixed up! It was hard to imagine that, not long ago, looking more like a motorway rather than an amazing fishing playground. We rushed to pull up our waders, and there we went! To ther river!
That Lu Wenfu guy, apparently knew how to use a fly fishing rod, as well as his frying pan.

As for the fish, but some midget chubs, there wa snothing and the hours went by and our poor flies were crying with loneliness.
Soon it was time for lunch.

Now, dear readers, how could I describe what our Chinese friend had cooked up for us? You would need Van Gogh’s genious to paint the richness of colourfull plates he arranged on the tablecloth he layed on the ground. As for the flavours from the partridge with tangerines, the chicken meatballs on a bed of snowflakes,  vegetable’s hearts with flaked crab, beef with five flavors, all of that with an amazing alcohol of the five cereals.flechef

– “After such a feast, at home, in China, in order to have a perfect digestion, a good massage of the back is a must!”

And that Lu Wenfu guy started to work, I guarantee you that we hardly had time to say “Absolute bliss”, that Cyril and I were snoring like steam locomotives!

When, a few hours later, our nap was ending, the daylight was getting low, we both shouted in one voice ”It’s time for the evening hatch, hurray!”

A short hour went by, filling up our creels with generous trout and magnificient little fish that we fried as soon as we got back home.

Lu Wenfu could not beleive that gorgeous, marvelous and simple food.
-“Hold on, my friend, exclaimed Cyril, here we do not need a massage for a good digestion. Here you are, enjoy that homly glass of Cognac, you’ll tell me about it!”

As I am writing those lines, people say that Lu Wenfu stand in the line ar the French Embassy in Beijing in order to get French citizenship!TONKINOISE (1)