Sunday’s mixtape is always the bestone! Dynamic enough to wake you up, a little cool so you don’t get a headache. ANd since you’re the lucky readers of Le Mouching, here’s to start February a pure Hip Hop gem, a gem with sounds and songs from the old days, what you might call Old School, when Autotune was called Vocoder and insttead of downloading mixtapes you would pass a tape from hand to hand. So turn up the sound for this beauty, here’s Boobsy Obsy: Origin of Groove by LDBK, a wonder you want to download here!
And since now you’re up and ther’s nothing to do since it’s Sunday, here’s today’s gem, to give you enough energy to tie flies, play COD or stay in bed with your love one: Soulful Hip Hop #18 by Mol download here!
I only have one advice: TURN THE SOUND UP!