You’re all excited again, you’ve been able to go fishing, for the luckiest ones, for the others, soon it’ll be your turn and it’ll be perfect, the water levels will be perfect, clouds of insects will be over the rivers and fish that have not seen an angler for awhile we be your best partners! So here’s to celebrate, a few mixtapes we’ve been listening to in our quaranteen in the Southern French Mountains, I hope you will love them as much as we did. Don’t forget to get Media Human, which allows you to download everything to your computer!
1 – As a starter, a pure mixtape to excercise from DJ Vadim, there’s not much to add, it’s all in the title: Lock Down Reggae Dancehall
2 – Now, let’s the sound up a little? The laziests will get up and dance because you just cannot resist to this Ode to groove soul funk. It might sound a little tacky but trust us, you’re going to dance and love it! Here’s Cosmic Rays by Jellylegs!
3 – You like Basque Country? Let’s go to San Sebastien with DJ Malaka, you know (or maybe you do’nt) the guy that makes all the Basque coast dance to fink and groove for over 10 years, he’s the best! Anyway how can you resist to a mixtape that starts wit Roy Ayers *Love WIll Bring Us Back Together Again*, especillay if it’s followed by *Be Thankful for What you Got* by William Devaughn, the best two funk songs on my top ten list! C’mon dance to that Covid Mix!
4 – Since we’re talking about *Be Thankful for What you Got* by William Devaughn, listen to that electro funk remix that opens The Sound of Osasco : #43 mixtape. Trust me this is going to be the climax of your party!
5 – Now that you got all excited dancing like crazies, it’s time to chill but we’re not going into a real chill mixtape, much to your surprise here’s a rap mixtape : Breiss-What Soul Sees by LDBK, and it’s so good you’re going to sleep to it.
That’s it, you can now dream of big fish, friends and laughter and joy that le Mouching brings into your life! Just dowload those tapes! Peace out.