C’mon, let’s give a major kick in 2020 balls! We don’t want to hear about 2020 anymore! It’s been a disaster, we’ve lost loved ones, we caught the virus, the elections have been embarassing for all of us, we showed an america divided and full of hate and resentment, we’ve been in lockdown, in confinement, we’ve been tested, we had to face and hear idiots pretending masks were useless or that the virus did not exist, fishing was forbiden, than re-opened, than closed again… Let’s forget about those awful times and focus on this new year that’s showing its face!

We kiss you deeply under the mistletoe ut on  the lips and with no mask because we love you! we love all our readers and we wish you HAPPY 2021!

Jacques Fléchemuller, Grégory Créma, Romain Le Teuff, Electra, Cyril Kamir, in other words, all Le Mouching team! Mouching