Our friend and collaborator Baptiste, organises every winter, fishing trips in Northern Argentinian Patagonia. A real road trip with friends, paced by crazy meals (Baptiste is also a chef) and rivers filled with hungry trout!
What a pleasure it is to be a fishing guide and take a group of experienced fly fishermen to Patagonia Argentina!
This mythical fly-fishing destination offers breathtaking scenery and, above all, amazing fish.
On the agenda during the trip: fishing, of course, but above all a great time with the guys. And don’t forget the table! Waders!
The goal of this trip is above all to spend time enjoying ourselves, so we’re adapting and going at our own pace. The idea is to make the most of it… to discover remote areas in the Andes, to drink a nice cold Argentinian beer and enjoy the scenery while we wait for the rises. Or to fish non-stop until we finally catch “THE” trucha that we’ll take a photo of to show our buddies!
Cette fois-ci on était une dizaine et c’était le dernier voyage de prospection pour valider le séjour. De la grande rivière comme l’Alumine, aux petits Spring Creek sans noms perdus dans la montagne, y’en a pour tous les goûts ! Et puis l’idée c’est aussi de passer à minima une paire de nuits dans un campement sauvage avec tout le conforts nécéssaire pour se reposer correctement. Un asado digne de ce nom après une bonne journée de pêche, servie sous un ciel étoilé sans pollutions sonores et lumineuses, croyez-moi ça fait de beaux souvenirs !
This time there were a dozen or so of us, and it was the last prospecting trip. From big rivers like the Alumina, to small, unnamed Spring Creek lost in the mountains, there’s something for everyone! The idea is also to spend at least a couple of nights in a wilderness camp with all the comforts needed to rest properly. An asado after a long day fishing, served under a starlit sky free of light and noise pollution, believe me, it makes great memories!
The best way to get an idea of what it’s like is to watch the video! We hope it takes you on a journey!
BTW, Baptiste is fluent in English and Spanish. His wife, Daniela is Argentinian and thanks to the peolple they know together he’ll take you to places others don’t go!