It’s been a hell of a summer, too hot, too cold, too much water, not enough… one of those summers we’re starting to get a little too often. So we thought you needed to chang your minds and read the latest issue from SCOF – Southern Country On the Fly # 52, a fly fishing magazine that smells like spiced pull porked, grilled crabs, beer burps and bliss! All that we love!
Charlie Hicks, You know the guy? He draws amazing fish with his ball pen!
Escape from L.A. (Low Alabama) : When you want to go for Tarpon in Mobile Bay, and that they’re all busy somewhere else, you just have to get the best of your day!
Kentucky Survival : You need to loosen up and relax before your wedding, what about you go fishing?
SCOF WEST : When Southern guys go West!
Texas GAR! Just go fishing in Jurassik Park!
Time to hit the vise!
Pop Shad by Daniel Roberts (click the pic.)
OJ Shrimpson by Sam Sumlin ! (click the pic.)
Up Shit Creek ! When you go fishing in Virginia where cattle keeps you company.
That’s it, now you can come back to real life AND GO FISHING!