Warning! This magazine is going to drive you nuts!
Winter is coming fast (unless you’re one of those lucky guys down south…) and we’re seriously starting to wonder what to do other than tying flies, cleaning our gear or fishing for pike (except for those of us lucky enough to travel or fish for grayling)! In other words, it’s the perfect time to dream, look at photos of unknown fish and imagine you’re out there with the guys fishing! Anyway, if you’re ready, here’s The Mission #48!
Greg Maxwell, the guy was captain on Permit fly fishing boats on the Oman coast and became a guide!
Yellowtail On Mars : real torpedos, hang tight!
Slapp & Wiggle: the Vaal Valley in South Africa, where there are Yellow Fish (a very distant cousin of our barbel) reading this is not armless, you might want to go there, NOW!
Meeting The King: When you’re fishing the rollers, where the big fish are like in a restaurant, feeding on whatever is shaken by the waves, and than you catch Tarpon!
Recurring Dream: South Island, New Zealand, a dream. This is sick!
Salad Bar : Go ahead, make your Christmas list! Six pages of stuff! There’s so much to choose from, you don’t know what to look at! Good luck with your credit, as they say!
Bikepacking and Fly Fishing 101 : What if instead of taking your car to go fishing, you took your bicycle? A sick trip, South Africa at the end of your pedal!
Come on, you’ve got a whole weekend to dream about what you’re going to be reading! it’s long, but it’s good!