Here it is, the first issue of The Mission (#49), THE fly-fishing magazine made in South Africa! There’s something for everyone: saltwater, freshwater, gear, adventures, portraits, but above all, a change of scenery!
The Feathers Awards 2024 – Best fish photos!
The Apprentice – Deon Meyer – Guide and adventurer!
A Clockwork Orange – When Leonard Flemming and his wife Michelle go to Gkhui Gkhui River Lodge, adventure is ’round the corner! The virgin! When you’ve wanted to fish for Tiger Fish for years and haven’t lost your virginity, go to the Matoya FIshing Lodge west of the Zambeze, and you’ll lose your virginity!
Same same but different – our friend Tudor Caradoc-Davies goes trout fishing in Tasmania!
The Salad Bar! Here, man, you go shopping and pick out everything you want for your gear salad, a pinch of lines, a ladle of pliers, sprinkle with a few reels and you’re ready to have a date with your banker!
Several pages of them! You’re going to go crazy, if you love gear!
Bird Head – Andy Coetzee – The guy’s been a guide, set up lodges, written articles for every magazine in the world, and here he is!
The man in action!
Please to to The Mission and have a good time!