On River Bonaventure, with a Zonker!
FOr all the ones who havenot had the luck to go watch "Teh Rise film festival" here's Benoit Chancerel's "Camp Bonaventure...
Los Roques, Vénézuela, heaven, if you manage to get there.
Los Roques is heaven, cheap hotels, great food, guides if you need one, fishermen that drop you on ...
You had too much food for Xmas, you are ther on the sofa, fighting the evil spirits who settled down in your stomach with a pitcher of fizzy water. Even aspirin...
This si what we received in our mailbox this weekend, and we thought it would be perfect to start the week with! Of course thebar is high, but that'll push us t...
You thought that by coming to southern France and specially to the Gard Region you would only visit Roman ruins, drink wine, go to bullfights, enjoy the famous ...
Our friend Flèche will be happy, he's not the only playing with chubs !!! In southern France, were its so hot you hardly find water in the rivers, there is very...
Bonheur, joie, fraîcheur, paix, voilà ce que l'on peut s'écrier quand on arrive au bord de la Vis, on peut aussi déchanter tant l'eau est transparente et les tr...