Once again it's Friday! And on Friday's we play the turntables till the end of the night! As it's getting cold, here's to warm you up! Here at Le Mouching offic...
It's been a while, we were lost and confused, should we post mixtapes to party and dance to when partying is on hold to protect each others? Than we realized we...
From today's Brazil mixtape to Hip Hop old school, two mixtapes for the end of summer.
You want to keep on dancing, you want those last days of summer never to...
Rio Marié | Peacock Bass
How about a film to start your week? You know how sexy it is to flyfish with a popper, how much fun it is, to see the fish coming to y...
Red Carpet Bossa
Like a heat wave, as the first song kicks in (The Gift par Eydie Gorme) and sets you in a good mood, with the recklesness of the 60's, you re...
Catch Magazine #57
Houlala! As we say in la France! This issue is beast! As usual Catch Magazine feeds us with the best, with everything we need to go insane a...
Ther you are in the Brazilian Amazonas, I hope you went to the gym because you are going to need some strengh. El Pirarucu, Giant Arapaima one of the biggest fr...
You're dreaming about going fishing for Tucumare in the Amazonas, but for that matter, you need to give a little of yourself to the spirits of the forest and st...
Dude, let go what you're doing, take off your waders and let the heat of the night take control over you, let yourself go, do you feel the Cachaça kicking in? G...
1 - Nubia
Region of southern Egypt, Nubia is a desert territory situated on the Red Sea. A choice destination for lovers of extreme destinations: dry and very ...
Tenkara is getting big, major brands are now making, or at least selling, their own rods, it's very convinient to travel with, you basicaly have no gear to carr...
When I was working with Radio Nova in the early nineties, there was one person who was teaching me everyday some new sounds, mainly from Brazil that he loved, b...
Great work from Brazil ! FISH TV a web TV dedicated to our beloved sport ! You will have to speak a bit of portuguese for sure or you can also enjoy some might...
Nothing happening in the fishing world ? Not even one decent video to put online but those GoPro film that I can't stand anymore... No one send me any news on...
This morning I change guides. I am invited by Ednilson, the captain of the Kalua and fellow fishing enthusiast, go on an expletory mission. My response- Yes, ...
Fishing sometimes it's like dating a girl. You dream, wish, expect, fantasize a lot but when the times comes you realize that it's not going to happen and it ...
Midnight was ringing when I arrived in Balbina's lake. In the village even the dogs were quiet.The full moon illuminates the peaceful waters, silently Nildo my ...
C'est une provocation cette histoire de peacock brésilien ? Je me suis pêté le bras trois jours avant de partir au paradis de la mangrove bahianaise, le bras dr...
Brazilian peacock bass loves lizards ! And we love Katryn Maroun catching them! Les peacock bass brésiliens raffolent des lézards ! Et nous, nous adorons voir...
(IN ENGLISH) E uma lojinina, m'avait on prévenu. Une chtit'boutique marmonnais-je un poil énervé par le vent continuel et la pluie qui commençait à tomber sur l...