Wowowow! What do I see? Watzdat? The return of Le Mouching Mixtapes? Yes! Guys you are right, let's come back to the old habits of mixtapes on weekend! Le Mouch...
It hit us in the face last weekend and we decided to pay tribute to Robbie Shakespear today. The bass player Robbie Shakespeare from Sly Dunbar & Robbie Sha...
It was around 1974, when I first heard about Lee Scratch Perry with the Upsetters, I felt there was something unusual, first of all it was the early years of R...
I must have been around 14 when my brother gave me this record with a guy dressed up as a sheppard, in a cloud of smoke. He was back from Jamaïca where he went...
For many of you the first week of de-confinement has been such a release, the luckiest ones went fishing for the others like me, murky waters just mad it imposs...
Just dance a little while fall is here!
Two little jewels that are going to warm you up like the last sunrays before rains comes (at last) and gives earth enou...
DJ Joe Rebel "One Drop", a fine mixtape of Roots Reggae & Dub, turn the sound up!
It goes fast doesn't it? I was layng down in the garden listening to thi...
Rocksteady, rockabilly, jazz, salsa, blues and reggae, all of it is for you! Let it swing!
Ah, we've missed the friday's mixtape, i'm sure you managed other wa...
Mixtape from My Bags : Sdoobie Doo, Dreadlock Invasion
We're not going to lie to you, this mixtape is a reggae one! But it's so good you're going to be so carr...
Reggae & Dub Special
Sorry you're only getting the friday mixtape on a sunday, but I was busy fishing. Fishing for trout, grayling and pike in the Dordogne...
14th of July also known as Bastille day! Tonight in every town, there will be the famous "Bal du 14 Juillet", the 14th of July bal, the air will be filled with ...
Skank it baby! Guys, here comes sunshine and warm days, it's time to heat up your nights and turn the sound up! here's a mixtape that's going to make everyone a...
We've been back from Mexico a month ago, but our mind is still under the palm trees and we are haunted by mighty permit and fierce snook. Not a single night wit...
Hurray! As we are packing to go tropics for a couple of weeks to shoot a film, we are already wearing hawaïan shirts and shorts at the office and from the speak...
You have enough, you can't stand it anymore, winter has been here too long, and if it wasn't from the snow that fell this week, we wouldn't know it's winter. Wi...
Hang over? Sunny day in the cold? Warm morning? Easy evening on the porche? Friends around? Fly Tying? Driving? Love? When, just when are you going to listen t...
Kingdom of Dub, the kind of music you can listen to for hours as you're tying up flies, or you can drive with, you can dance to it, have it pouring out from you...
Here's to make you sway and skank, take it easy on the dancefloor or just take in a little warmth to make you beleive summer isn't over yet. Today we offer you ...
Sweet as warm autumn days, here's from our friend Blundetto an awesome mixtape to play at home, weither you'r planning your next fishing trip, tying flies or h...
Jah loves Le Mouching, so do you and I'm sure you love Dub! So here's Bermuda Triangle Dub for you from Codex of Plant Responses aka Axel de Ponbriand more than...
Are you ready to rock? Turn up the sound, here's the perfect summer mixtape brought to us thanks to our friend Blundetto, this one is special "heatwave" 44 minu...
At Le Mouching, the one thing we like best is to be comfortable when we go fishing ! Vilmo dreams of a Jeep that he can sleep in and that can take him wherever...
Our friend Blundetto is back with a tremendous mixtape blended with smokey dubs and soulful rocksteady from Jamaïca. Highly recommended.
Blundetto dont on a dé...
Here are 14 modern tracks of mostly soft mellow sexy music some interesting pop-electronic stuff as well that I have discovered during this year. Every late dec...
Xavier de Roots Fishing, en plus d'être mordu de pêche est aussi DJ. Il vient de mettre en ligne pour ses potes pêcheurs Comtemplative Nature, une mixtape bien ...
Blundetto, we love you so much! Blundetto is our friend from Radio Nova, always looking for the best sound. But at night, when he's not mixing, he also makes hi...
Chonga aime le bon son et envoie du lourd sur son blog Roots & Culture. L'écoute de son dernier podcast dub contribuera à la réussite de votre été. Sisi en ...