Happy New Year
Every year, our dear friend Flechemuller tells us a story for the holidays, here's the one he told us this week and we would like to share it wi...
"My home river" by Flechemuller
My favorite river has a spot that is pure gold, not any bigger than a pocket handkerchief but tranquil beneath the June s...
For our 10th anniversary (holly cow, already?), Jacques Flechemuller wrote a litte story!
I sent an email to Cyril yesterday, it w...
Ok guys, for you it might be nothing or you probably cannot understand what Johnny Hallyday ment to us, the French, he was like Elvis, every french has been ras...
We told Flèche he could not come to the Paris Fly Fishing Show... Just another day of frustration at Le Mouching's office, exactly the same reaction he had when...
We told Flèche he could not come to the Paris Fly Fishing Show... Just another day of frustration at Le Mouching's office, exactly the same reaction he had when...
In October, in New York, it can still be summer. The leaves of the trees turn red like the cheeks of lady bugs, the girls offer us their tanned legs and when th...
They came from France, Gilbert and his zaftig girlfriend; they came to go salmon fishing with me. They came 3,728 miles, plus an additional 4 hours by car (from...
When I landed in New York for the first time, Helene Valentin, a french artist who had immigrated to the Big Apple years before, gave me the lowdown on the best...
And as the famous Flechemuller would say : Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers!
We are sorry if these pictures offend you but the guy is a wild animal!...
Dear Mouchingans,
For four years we have been dedicated to offering you our heart and soul and a selection of things we think are aweome, awe inspring and fun....
...That night we had left the farm to go to the Ashford's, I felt that Lillian was not feeling very well. Was she suspecting something ? Did she pick up on th...
One day I was at Fléche's "swimming pool" in the Ardèche. No we weren't dipping. Or swimming laps. Even though he calls it "the pool" it's just a tiny pond wher...
Will we be able to go fishing Cherry Trout in North Korea ? If there is still anything in the rivers...since starving the population is #1 sport of the Kim fami...
New drawings from my man Flechemuller (your best Mouching storyteller so far).
Quelques nouveaux dessins sur le site de notre raconteur d'histoire préféré....
It's all there. It reminds me one day with Flèche, we were in Slovenia, it was hard to wake up in the morning since the evenings were spent eating amazing foo...
It's all there. It reminds me one day with Flèche, we were in Slovenia, it was hard to wake up in the morning since the evenings were spent eating amazing foo...
Our father of all, the one without whom LeMouching would have been a commercial porn site with fat Ukrainans fisherwowen who hold carps that looks like cows, Mr...
Je l’ai tout de suite senti. Ce magasin “ chasse et pêche” de Wawarsing, au cul du zouave de l’état de Newyork où j’ habitais à l’époque, ne ressemblait pas à c...
" What about some sushi, Flèche ?" me demande à brûle-pourpoint mon bon ami Stan, pêcheur émérite de Niceville, Florida. Et nous voilà partis vers la boutique d...
Vous vous souvenez quand Flèche nous avait raconté ses aventures de pêche au saumon avec son copain Gilbert, LE Gilbert et qu'il nous racontait que dans le Nord...
Et voilà ! Nous au Mouching, on sait vivre, quand on pars au 4 coins du monde, on vous en fait profiter ! Alors que SuperVilmo profite des bars irlandais (on a ...
Chers Mouchorz, comment résister à cet appel, à ce cri que nous poussons du haut de nos tabourets, face à nos ordinateurs, cet appel que nous lançons à gorge dé...
Nous venions tout juste de débarquer dans notre baraque. Adieu New York, bonjour l'Ardèche et ma nouvelle canne SAGE bien au chaud dans son beau fourreau. Non...
Quoi ! Quelle ne fut ma surprise d'ouvrir ce matin (façon de parler) le nouveau numéro, le 13, de This is Fly ! En couverture, l'air de rien, un magnifique tabl...
Williamsburg, aujourd’hui est un quartier de Brooklyn relativement prospère avec une criminalité en forte baisse.
Ça n’a pas toujours été le cas..
Il y a bien ...