Walking, walking and more walking, that's called trekking... Let's go with our friends from Frontside Fly searching for those big trouts in New Zealand. It's br...
Xanadu, Paradise, Shangri la... we all know it, it's just not where we are, but where we could be, Heaven! Heaven takes place for many fly fishers in New Zealan...
Yes, but Yesssss! Haaaa.... fishing in the southern hemisphere, hat a luck, while we were freezing our...ears Rolf Nylinder was fishing trout, wearing a Tshirt....
We were wondering for a while now, where had our friends Rolf Nylinder et Peter Christensen gone. They were not answering to our emails, no one had seen them, P...
It's a lady ! Our beloved swedish friends from FrontsideFly waltz on accordion with a "je ne sais quoi", a seducing dance "à la française" in honour of a risin...
What's the coolest thing in life? Doing what you love, it's waht we all tend to do. Do qhat we love with the people we love. Rolf Nylander, always offers us t...
Spring takes long to come this year in Europe... So what do you have left if you want to avoid a nervous breakdown ? Think about last year best day, and wait sm...
Last week, we showed you episode 2 from Frontside Fly DoD Diaries... This week, since we never do thing the normal way, here's part 1! But this is the first and...
The things we like. At Le Mouching, we have so much in common with the guys from Frontside Fly, so many things we both like, adventure, music, happpyness, jo...
Our scandinavian friends Peter & Rolf went to one part of the world to the opposite ! Neverless than enjoying remote bonefish's paradise : Cook Islands !
Probably one of the lasts posts on the "old" Mouching... but what a post !!! Our friend Jonathon Marshall from Fishing Fury led us to this film from Frontside ...
Probably one of the lasts posts on the "old" Mouching... but what a post !!! Our friend Jonathon Marshall from Fishing Fury led us to this film from Frontside ...
Here's what we were all waiting for... the new Frontside Fly films !!! Two jewels ! Nothing to add, just enjoy! Only 2 month till opening day... I cannot wait !...
De bons personnages et un Iphone.. faites nous des films quoi les gars !! Voici donc les restes de Frontside Fly avec un barbu à chemise ouverte ambiance after ...
Nos potes de Fronteside Fly se sont attaqués à un mythe qui nous fait tous tripper..
Our Frontside Fly friends wants to live the dream like anyone else !...
The new video from Frontside Fly guyz is a spoof made with a mash up of Whithney Houston's hits. Highly humourous.La nouvelle perle des suédois de Frontside Fly...
Oubliez les histoires de tröll et autres géants à tête de haricot rouge, les vrais contes suédois se vivent canne en main et ce sont les jeunes de Frontside Fly...