What's best affter you had your summer holiday but to dive again in what is the crème de la crème of LE fly fishing? Yes! You got it right! This Is Fly, #53! T...
Woohooo! You were looking for something to get you horny? Naaa, don't think about those mags just read the latest This Is Fly #52! This new issue, is going to k...
What's happening, it's season's opening everyone is by the water or getting its gear ready and here comes down a load of magazines to read... Where are we going...
It was worth waiting one month! It's like if being delayed was their trademark, letting us imagine the worst. We all know how press, wether it's web or print, ...
That's it, freshly squeezed and freshly delivered to my mailbox, here comes This Is Fly #43! Paris Fleezanis has been working on it night and days so we' get it...
35 !!! Holly shit !!! 35 is 70 months, that means that it has been almost 6 years since This Is Fly is giving us THE BEST ! This issue is so beautiful it makes ...
We have a couple of real good friends on the internet Fly Fishing World, we love them dearly. They are our mentors. So far everything they do we wished we were ...
This Is Fly, The spring issue ! Yes, this issue is on springs ! It jumps to your face ! The usual amazing layout, the mixtape (Jah loves), the travels, the pict...
This Is Fly, The spring issue ! Yes, this issue is on springs ! It jumps to your face ! The usual amazing layout, the mixtape (Jah loves), the travels, the pict...
Putain !!! Putain de putain !!!! Quel numéro !!! Sans doute un des plus beaux que Paris Fleezanis, Tim Miller et leur bande nous ait offert ! Regardez la tro...