Polish fly fishermen in the heart of Amazonia looking to get shook up my the mighty Tucumare in dark Rio Negro! (... they could have used a...lighter music... b...
Great work from Brazil ! FISH TV a web TV dedicated to our beloved sport ! You will have to speak a bit of portuguese for sure or you can also enjoy some might...
The end is no comprendo senore ! But otherwise that is a good piece of exotism. Big up Li...
What makes fishing so great ? Nature, the fish, the waters, maybe the tackle but also the people you met. A whole fishing trip can be changed with the enthusias...
This morning I change guides. I am invited by Ednilson, the captain of the Kalua and fellow fishing enthusiast, go on an expletory mission. My response- Yes, ...
Today is bloody hot! The kind of heat that burns your feet when they touch the floor of your metal boat, it colors you as red as a tomato by the time return at ...
The Kalua sailed all night, up a smaller river (we speak of a only 200m wide one !). Amazonian nights respond to the very local tradition of fartura brasilera. ...
When you are an amazonian first timer and you sit in this boat that will take you fishing and start to fly on water, the first thing that hits you is the expa...
Fishing sometimes it's like dating a girl. You dream, wish, expect, fantasize a lot but when the times comes you realize that it's not going to happen and it ...
Midnight was ringing when I arrived in Balbina's lake. In the village even the dogs were quiet.The full moon illuminates the peaceful waters, silently Nildo my ...
(ENGLISH version) Manaus ! Capitale mondial du Peacock Bass ici appelé Tucunaré. Tout vous le rappelle , à commencer par l'arrivée à l'aéroport avec ses batai...
(READ IN ENGLISH) J'avais un billet pour Manaus, c'était déjà le début d'une magnifique obsession. Manaus ! Je vous rappelle les faits ? Vous voulez faire une ...