Récap' Season 3
The hardest when you are on holidays is to work, there is nothing harder than having to stop whatever you're doing to watch stupid or boring fl...
Fishing with friends
Do you know anything better? Fishing with friends is the ultimate bond, nothing compares to it, it's what we are all looking for because i...
Here's they're back, those guys from Québec, I should rght THE guys from Québec! Who doesn't know Hooké, a few friends from french speaking Canada, that turned ...
Here they are again, our friends from Hooké, the guys that are probably making the best fly fishing films in Canada and beyond (we might have some enemies, now)...
Another portrait of a fisherman you'll like to have a friend of yours! Thanks Hooké.
Here is the fifth episode from our People we Met in Lapland mini-series.
What could make us more happier but to see our cousins from Québec, the Hooké tribe in our old Europe fishing what makes us all dream of big fish and adventure,...
A film that is taking your heart and pulling it out of your chest, your head is chanting with the chaman, you are in Nunavik territory fishing with the Tasiujaq...