I was around 13 years old when I was sent to England to learn proper English at some cousins place.  Coming from France it was a teenage dream, a hell of an adventureI was going to stay over two month near Gloucester, I had already been to London almost every year since I was 5, but this time I was going to stay in a farm in the middle of Essex and work. It was a massive mension, it was more hollydays than work, we  went riding horses, fishing, shooting clay pigeons, all sorts of thing you don’t usualy do in a city, great fun for a teenager. At night, that was something else, all the kids got together, played music, danced, kissed girls for the first time and had fun…it was freedom, but that was not all of it, the music was everywhere, all the time, and the girls loved this “new” singer David Bowie, this was a fantastic experience. I came back to France at the end of the summer, I had bought a leather jacket and all of David Bowie’s records with the money I had made in the farm, it changed my life. Today I have the feeling I’ve lost my teeange dreams. So sad.

That’s my memory, what’s yours?

