January 24 2025 Mixtapes Cyril Kamir 4 Mixtapes - Amerigo Gazaway Friday Mixtapes! There's a whole lot of them! And it's Amerigo Gazaway on the decks or in the mixes! Call the ... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
The Last Days, Dayle Mazarella. Cyril Kamir A life guiding, a life helping, a life putting oneself at the service of others, doing everything in one's power to ensure that others make ... FRESHEL MOUCHINGMouchingFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
La Toussaint. Cyril Kamir It was a hot afternoon, hot as only November afternoons can be in the southern part of the state. Mimie Biglow had stopped by earlier with... ARTFRESHEL MOUCHING4 Comments
Fly Fishing in Japan Cyril Kamir Looking for a change of scenery and a change of scenery? We've got some surprises in store for you! Here, fly fishing in Japan! Talk about... FRESHNATUREFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
The Mission – The Cult of Fly Fishing – #49 Cyril Kamir Here it is, the first issue of The Mission (#49), THE fly-fishing magazine made in South Africa! There's something for everyone: saltwater, ... FRESHEL MOUCHINGGEARSALTTRAVEL0 Comments
01.17.2025 Mixtapes: ¡Perreo! Cyril Kamir Y'ouve watched the film on Los Roques? All of that fly fihsing is very nice, but at night, it's time to have fun, let's party! Let's dance P... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
Springtime Cyril Kamir I loved this spring morning, the first weekend of the year when, at last, the mildness of spring meant that the midday hatchings would undou... ARTFRESHEL MOUCHING5 Comments
January 11 2025 Mixtapes Cyril Kamir You never know how you're going to start the year, it could be “Oh my, what a pain! And to think we're going to have to infuse ourselves wit... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
ICELAND, big trout! Cyril Kamir When winter arrives with its bucket of cold water, when fetching bread is an adventure, when the only thing that attracts you is the warmth ... FRESHEL MOUCHINGFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Joséphine. Cyril Kamir I wandered haggardly, my eyes wet and my gaze torpid. All I could hear was the sound of my footsteps on the wet sidewalk, the traffic se... ARTEL MOUCHING2 Comments
La Vis, in the heart of Les Cévennes, France. Cyril Kamir Down in the central South of France when you come down from Larzac d'Alzon to Ganges, you follow the river Vis, and then, man, you go crazy!... FRESHEL MOUCHINGFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Xmas Mixtapes 12.26.2024 Cyril Kamir Here's for your ears, your heart and your feet! There's some for everyone! As we are really tired we re-posted mixtapes from Xmas 2019, but... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
Maïté! The end of an era. Cyril Kamir You probably have no clue who Maïté is. But for us, French readers, she's the one who brought country food to the table! And when we say co... EL MOUCHINGFILM0 Comments
An Atoll in the Indian Ocean Cyril Kamir I'd rather be wading on the Indian Ocean's flats for Giant Trevally rather than going shopping for Xmas! What about you? Christmas eve is c... EL MOUCHINGSALTFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Mixtapes Friday Dec. 20.24 Cyril Kamir It's getting closer and closer! Have you done the presents, or are you stressing about running around the stores with the 2937485 other cust... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
Please, Santa, take me to the land of GT’s! Cyril Kamir Are you freezing your balls off? You've only got the lakes and reservoirs left to cast your flies, but the first frosts is making the task d... EL MOUCHINGSALTFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Friday 13 Mixtape Cyril Kamir Let's cool down before the party season! ... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
The saleswoman in the delicatessen department of Supermarket Cyril Kamir Art by Flechemuller She appeared radiant in the clear plastic strip curtain, radiant and blooming, her eyes shining as she approach... ARTEL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
Bill François : La Truite et Le Perroquet Cyril Kamir At Mouching, we had devoured Le Plus Grand Menu du Monde and of course we had immersed ourselves in L'Éloquence de la Sardine! And enjoyed h... FRESHEL MOUCHINGBOOKSNATURE0 Comments
Hooké, Only the Salmon knows. Cyril Kamir It's been a long time since we've had news from our friends from Hooké... and now they're coming to your weekend so you can join them in the... FRESHEL MOUCHINGFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Mixtape del venerdì : Italia! Cyril Kamir Here's to dream about summer, Mediterranean heat, Dolomite rivers and la dolce vita! You'll find everything from 60s Italian canzione to ... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
ASTOVE: PURE BLISS Gregory Crema While we're peeling our butts off here, others are heading off to faraway lands to find the sun!!!! Lucky you This film takes place in an... EL MOUCHINGMouchingFILMTRAVEL0 Comments
Friday Mixtapes : HIP HOP Cyril Kamir Go, sweat it out! try to do a headspin or whatever you want but whatever you do : JUST HAVE FUN! And last but not least our fr... EL MOUCHINGMUSIC0 Comments
STEELHEAD Cyril Kamir It's one of the dreams of every big-fish addict or adventurer who can, for the duration of a trip, find themselves in the middle of the Wild... FRESHEL MOUCHINGNATUREFILMTRAVEL0 Comments