It was in the early nineties, I was working for Radio Nova in Paris and I had to go to Cotonou,Benin, to record an interview with Juju music emperor King Sunny Ade. By the time I got to his hotel after a fantastic concert,, he had gone back home. Home is in Lagos Nigeria, not easy to get there even if it just a few hours away. So here I am, trying to find a driver, once I found one, passing the border is a whole other experience, of course I don’t have the right visa, of course I have to pay a fortune to get one. Luckily I had been working in Benin and Togo a few years before and the guy in charge of the customs recognizes me! Lucky day. To make the story short, I had to change cabs at least 4 times to arrive at King Sunny Ade’s building in Lagos. But than, he was already gone somewhere else. So the guy who was at his office told, me don’t worry, I’ll fix you up for tonight. And there I was on the back of a motorcycle with my tape recorder in my bag, cruising the streets of Lagos. We finaly arrived at his house, filled with kids, friends, the women were cooking and everyone was happy to have a white man in the house. We had beers, had diner and than they started to play music, much to my surprise there weren’t playing Juju music but Reggae. I don’t remember what happened afterwards. All I know is that the next morning we had to go to Lagos University because King Sunny Ade was there, we arrived, he was already gone. That chase lasted two days, to finaly being able to interview him. Than I went back to Cotonou and flew back to Paris. But for me, all I remenber is the soundtrack of those days, amazing Nigerian reggae. So when I found this mixtape, I had to share it with you! Download it here, it’s a gem !