Rum Punch X, Rare Tropical Sounds
What does it take to make you happy? A great day fly fishing with your friends? An evening alone at the vise? Alone in the woods? At the bar with your buddies? On a boat with your best friend? We all are different but we do have fly fihsing in common, another thing we hope we have in common is Music, and a peculiar taste for musics that give you joy, wether it’s Jazz, Soul, Funk, Hip hop, Tropical, Latin, Brasilian, whatever gets our feet dancing! Today, especially for you, here’s Episode 10 from Rum Punch (Rare Tropical Sounds) by Danny Fitzgerald. All we can tell yo is since we found that mixtape a few days ago, it’s playing non stop at the office, at home or in the car! We cannot wait to play it sathurday when our friends are coming over, it’s a blast! Download here, or listen by clicking below! You are going to love it!