Blue Heart1-1

LAst week we were invited by Patagonia to watch world premier of  BLUE HEART, showed on the concrete wall of the Idjar dam in Bosnia Herzegovina. That film is so mving it was hard not to cry, it felt as if a hand ripped our troso and got to our heart squezzing it. IMG_9492

There you are, at home, puting your waders, grabing your rod and walking down to the river, your river, the one you love that gave you so much. Well you have no idea how lucky you are, you don’t realize how much you have to cherish that. Why? Because you have a river a river that runs trhough the rocks, jumps the cliffs, crosses forests and fields, a wild river that brings you joy and happiness, feed the fish and gives you water to drink. This is your richesse, that gem that is beofre you could be gone, like that from one day to the another. And if it is not your own river, you still have to fight for other rivers in danger.Capture d’écran 2018-05-05 à 22.28.56Are you sitting down? We are about to drop a bomb: in the Balkans, those mountains in the Dinaric Alps, there is 3000 dams that are going to be built! Yes, you read well: 3000! Three thousands concrete walls, penstocks to cut natural and wild rivers in Europa! IT’S OUR DUTY TO PROTECT THEM! Because hydro elctricity is not clean power!Capture d’écran 2018-05-05 à 22.31.03No, it’s not “eco-friendly”, we are not saying we are pro nuclear power or for fossil fuel, but too many dams are killing wild rivers and their fish! We cannot let this happen. So you have to go and watch this film BLUE HEART, not only because it’s a fantastic and very moving film, but because we have to stand for our rivers! Find where you can watch the film. Don’t miss it! And to help out, raise your voice and TAKE ACTION!

