How lucky are we? Valentine’s day is friday so we’ll have the whole weekend to stay in bed with our loveone! Don’t even bother going fishing unless fly fishing binds you together, so we figured out that you needed some love mixtapes, therefore we dug, and here’s what we found!
From our dear friends from Heavenly Sweetness, here’s to start your lovers weekend, warm a lazy morning in bed. Download that gem here! Let yourself be surprised by those unexpcted songs, trust us.
Don’t you trust the cover! That mixtape of Boleros is pure love! Boleros aka slowdance in Spanish is pure lover’s songs from Spain to Latin America. And when you know that New York Rican Soul is behind the turntables, you can be sure it’s good even if the picture is damned ugly! Descargar aqui.
And now to end that list, the one we love and play over and over, from DJ Maseo from De La Soul : Valentines Days Merlot Mix! Dowload it here.
That was our love to you all! See you Monday!