Wow! Seen those shoes?! Exactly what we needed, skateboarding shoes with a fly embroidered on them! Thanks to Daan Van Der Linden the fishing skateboarder (and Nike).

Capture d’écran 2021-05-22 à 18.45.15When I was a kid, not far from home was a building that hosted the families working at the US embassy, and the kids had skateboards, for us it was a plywood board with wheels and it looked pretty cool (yes, Le Mouching is old koots), with looked at them with envy, we only had roller shaters. Since that time we learned a few tricks, the basic, ollies an nose flips, enough to give us a few browes and broken wrists. But we’re still pretty cool even if we don’t skateboard anymore. So when  Nike teams up with  Daan Van Der Linden (lhe fishing skateboarder),we had to get those sneakers! daan-van-der-linden-nike-sb-blzr-courtThey are probaly the cooliest shoes of the year! They are 75$  they come in 3 different colours and are made of tough canvas, what else! Capture d’écran 2021-05-22 à 18.27.04