Houlala ! Nothing’s holding you back anymore, you’ve run like crazy to the water’s edge, probably with all the fishermen who were also waiting for opening day, to dip your flies, have a few drinks and above all to belong, to be with your buddies and to have something to talk about. To get that special feeling that breaks the solitude. So tonight you will tell stories to your wive, buddies, children, the tiny trout will become huge and the big ones, even bigger and if you didn’t catch anything, you will accuse the lure anglers who passed before you, the river which was too high, too cold, too hot… Long story short, we are the same, we fly fishermen. So now that you’re tired and your head is full of dreams, here’s to take your mind off it: The Mission Fly Mag number 32!
Orange River: When a river becomes too popular
Booze & Munchies Got the munchies and you are thirsty? Then this is the perfect page to learn how to make this ultimate tuna sandwich, just by looking at it, you get hungry… and thirsty!
How’s that? Are you full? Then you will meet Carl Freeze, the guy is like you, passionate, enthusiastic, and crazy about fish!
The moments in between Chetumal Bay in Mexico, a very special place where boats loaded with coke liked to shelter and unload their cargoes, an haven between Mexico and Belize, where you can spot Manati, but also tarpon, permits, snook and bones. In one word : adventure!
No Country for Old Men, you loved the movie by the Cohen brothers (available on Netflix) well, you’ll love this article where you’ll go where you never thought you would !
Tim Babich, The Chameleon. Check this guy out! You’ll want to go fishing!
Well, the opening season has warmed the spirits, it’s always like that, we see something we don’t have in our kit of the perfect fly fisherman, and suddenly, we NEED IT! Well, here is to suffer a little more: The Salad Bar, The Mission’s shopping pages!
ECHO rods, Tim Rajeff’s brand, we love them because they have that je ne sais quoi that the others don’t have. Here are the tests of the Prime, The Boost Salt and The Streamer X!
The Lucky One Would you like to guide around the world and have fun almost every day? Peter Whittaker, life is a dream!
Ok, it’s over, you can go back fishing!