So there we are now, guys, you have no excuses! For years we were looking for this film elsewhere than on a paying platform and all of a sudden here it is on Youtube! A masterpiece! The story of Joe Humphreys, a fisherman who dedicates his whole life to the protection of rivers and fish, an extraordinary fisherman, inhabited by an irresistible feeling to give back to others what he has: the love of rivers and fly fishing!

Joe Humphreys is a legend, a man for whom life is driven by fly fishing, a fly fisherman who has only one obsession, to give back to others what he has: passion! It’s a real film of an hour and a half, not something done in a hurry like we see hundreds of them. No, here, you settle down and are captivated. An hour and a half of happiness!

Live The Stream is the inspiring life story of Pennsylvania’s fly fishing legend, Joe Humphreys: a man who was born to fly fish, lives to teach, and strives to pass on a respect for our local waters. A visually stunning film, anyone with a pulse can appreciate Joe’s contagious spirit and, at 86-years-young, trout streams are his fountains of youth. This is an emotion-packed adventure and Joe will catch your heart in this powerful tale of tenacity, life and love.