This Is Fly #67
Dude, first you have to get comfortable, like get your butt in a deep couche, or even better, at night, outside in a comfy armchair, your favor...
Down the Devils River southern Texas. A real adventure with Zach, Jonathan and the Noble Lab, much more than fly fishing, freedom! This film just makes you want...
I love this song, Leonard Cohen's Banjo, it's calm and got ryhtm at the same time. I love bonefish, I love walking the flats. I feel so happy when I walk the fl...
Even fly fishermen get the blues! Great idea to use Robert Johnson's song "Dead shrimp blues" on a fly fishing film! We love it, we also love the shots from th...
For the shopping junkies, here's what not to be missed, Outside specials pages for your summer gear! You're going to have a hard time resisting the temptation.....
Here comes Scandinavia again! Ten weeks of a fihsing trip, kayak, camping, friends, happyness. The soundtrack is so cool, wehter this Vice Rag by AA Bondy or th...
Hey couch potatoes! THIS is for you! You're going to ber able to follow everyone on kayak now! The Mokai is what all lazy bums has been waiting for, a kayak wit...
Meanwhile some of us are going to flyfishing shows like sheeps would go to the pasture... others, smarter, are wading in Turks & Caicos, and having fun with...
In the DIY style Capt. Troy promo movie is a delicacy ! Fish porn as its best looking for redfish in the grass if they were bonefish in the water meadow.. Bravo...
Chaque année, nous vous proposons une sélection de 24 idées de cadeaux pour remplir votre liste au père Noël. Vous n'y trouverez que des articles qu'on aimerait...
Ahahaaaa !!! Vous aimeriez bien avoir un kayak pour aller pêcher où vous voulez...mais vous n'en n'avez pas. Heureusement, si vous êtes un peu bricoleur et que ...
Qui connaît Dan Armstrong ? Et bien moi, avant d'aller chercher des news pour Le Mouching aux quatre coins du cercle de l'internet, je n'avais aucune idée de q...