Fly fishing in France, for many anglers is something that doesn't come up the bucket list, one reason is that it is harder than in many other places. Why is it ...
Going upstream : Episode #8 from River of Diamonds
Here's more of it! More bliss, more fish, more pleasure! You're there at the office, just put a chair under ...
The Right Fly
That thing drives us nuts, wether we are beginner or experimented fly fisher, it's that time when you don't know if you should use a nymph or a d...
Jean-Marce & Jean-Claude Chignard = River Traun
Third episode, we're still on the river Traun, in Germany, back we our friends Jean-Marce & Jean-Claude...
Here we are again, in Germany, on the river Traun, with its gin clear waters, we're fishing with Jean-Marc Chignard and his twin brother Jean-Claude from Mouch...
In France everyone who's fly fishing knows Jean Marc Chignard, he was the owner of JMC, fly fishing gear and rods, now he owns a new company, Mouches Devaux. Je...