Southern Culture On the Fly #44! Another issue that stinks of happiness, long fishing days, BBQed Shrimps, pulled pork, gombo and fresh beer. In other words SOU...
Estrada Art Presents: The 5wt Chronicles : Going Coastal
There you are, with all your friends, going for Redfish on the fly! Be ready to have fun with the 5wt ...
Here are 4 films, four trips, four adventures in four states, enough to give you the urge to go fishing! You'll discover different characters, you'll fly fish ...
We think of all the people of East Cuba, West Haïti, for all the ones suffering, it's coming today to the Bahamas, may you guys all stay safe! Tomorrow evening ...
Summer storms, stormy weather, when the heat of august is so thick you could bite it... When all the smells are stronger, when the blue sky turns pitch black, w...
AWESOME! This issue of Southern Culture On The Fly is awesome ! I've been reading it for over an hour and it's hurting me to stop doing it so I can post this fo...
Don't you tell us it never happened! A little dive in the cold water...we all had it once at least... but here's a nice redfish to warm you up! Thanx Low Countr...
I told you it was Redfish week !!! Now, everywhere I go, whatever I do, I see Reedfish, they even come to visit me in my dreams... Je vous l'avais bien dit, c...
What's with Redfish these days ? Everyone is posting videos on the web !! Which one do we like best ? I donno, but now everywhere I l ook I see Redfish... even ...
Are you ready for the season ? It's starting... C'mon, you Redfish, why don't you jump ! Jump around ! Jump, Jump, Jump around ! Vous êtes prêts pour la saison...
Redfish can't jump ! Voilà celui que l'on appelle le Tambour Rouge, Red Fish ou Sciaenops Ocellatus, aime les eaux saumatres du Sud des Etats Unis, que se soit ...