Todd, at le Mouching we love him!
And for several reasons. He's a crazy filmmaker. His videos are real gems that we never tire of watching. The guy's always ...
We are very lucky to practice the most visual fishing technique.
Positive proof, it even invites itself in movie theater, thanks in particular to the RISE fest...
Lesson with Twin Peaks Fly Fishing, the roll cast!
When you want to start or improve your double hand rod spey cast, nothing beats a simple and efficient teach...
What is more beautiful than a nice cast, no matter how or with which rod it's done a well done cast is always beautiful to look at. But to hep you out, here's a...
Earlier this morning we showed you what could sometimes, unfortunatly, happen with a drone, but here you are going to see how a drone can be fantastic when well...
It starts as an episode of Game of Throne, better shot, we expect to see Throlls, Elfes or medieval warriors in shiny armour, but instead it's a great fly fishi...
It's cold outisde? What about workouts by the water? How would you like to pratcice your Spey Cast in the cold? And then, since we're in Madrid, Spain, we'll go...
Sweet and warm Amos Lee's Black River is the perfect song to wake up on a cold autumn day. It just makes you want to stay in bed longer... but it suites so well...
Your daily dose of fish porn comes from Northern Europe ! I like the only word you catch at the end...
Ta dose quotidienne de sensat...
Wow ! This was my sathurday surprise ! Seens those camera moves ? Seen those casts ? Seen those steelheads ? Awesome. When is it out ? We just love it.
It's all there. It reminds me one day with Flèche, we were in Slovenia, it was hard to wake up in the morning since the evenings were spent eating amazing foo...
It's all there. It reminds me one day with Flèche, we were in Slovenia, it was hard to wake up in the morning since the evenings were spent eating amazing foo...
Kamarades ! Notre Mouchor Marc Lamouche vous offre une belle leçon de Spey cast ! Profitez en c'est gratuit, ça sent bon, c'est rare, c'est pro de chez pro, c'e...
Vous vous souvenz de ce western avec Marilyn Monroe et Robert Mitchum ? Et bien cette fois-ci Spooled TV vous emmène sur cette rivière mythique de l'Idaho où il...
C'est toujours Yngve Ask...le photographe qui fait le catalogue Loop, cette fois il nous montre ce qu'on arrive a faire avec un spey cast.... C'est Eoin Fairgre...
Bon, comme ça pince grave, et que nous nous délectons toujours d'admirer de belles images de lancer...
Voilà un petit cadeau du Mouching pour tous ses amis !