The Roar, it’s the sound of the wilderness in Yukon. The sound of the motors of that plane, leaving you to your own devices, hundreds of miles from the cities. It’s the sound of a grizzly’s fury, coming to fish that river. The sound of the river itself, suddenly turning white in the rapids. The roar of you rown blood, rushing in your ears while you prepare to shoot an arrow that will get you either a trophy moose or a sea of troubles. Silence everywhere, and everywhere the Roar.

We don’t post much hunting videos on the Mouching. We’re well aware of the controversial nature of the topic. But here, what strikes you is the unbelievable quality of the photography, and especially the quality of the storytelling. Beyond the Roar is a real movie. A movie about the wilderness, and those who venture in it. And it’s so well done that we felt it was worth setting aside our reluctance. So, ok, this is not a no-kill story. There’s death, but there’s beauty, and that huge roar we fly fishermen also come to seek at the end of our lines. [vimeo=]