Laurent Keiff

Capture du 2020-01-03 09-25-41

Winter Swing

White Silence, light spey in the snow When you fish a double handed rod, you enter in a kind of hypnotic transe. The largo tempo of the swing. The secret joy o...

Ten times

Dedication to the fly Like they say, there's only one way: to fall nine times, and rise up ten. A small jewel of a film, an idea served by everything else. ...


Killer Carp Fly With summer heat comes the times of surface fly carping. The poorman's bonefish, on the ponds' flats, and so much emotion to look forward to......


We  admired Adam Ondra in the Dura dura, a crazy wall he opened in Spain a couple of years ago. He's back with a Silence. That tall boy with his happy kid face ...

On Sundays

Sundays, sunny days on the river. It's such a pristine pleasure when we connect to our inner child, when we feel deep inside that the first wonder of the flying...