Just by writing 2020, I cannot help cursing! Usualy at Le Mouching, we invite our lonely friends so they are not alone anymore, and we eat, drink and dance, celebrating little baby Jesus (we’re always looking for something to celebrate). This year it’s different, but the music is here!
So we are going to try to be ontime even if we’re posting those m ixtapes a little late, we hope you’ll enjoy them, there is some for everyone!
The easiest way to download everything to your computer is to get Media Human! Than you’ll paste the adress of the mixtape (by clicking on the title) you want and it’ll deliver it to you!
To start, let’s get busy and go straight to the awesome TCRS Radio Staion mixtape, the ones who play music from the 70’s, mainly rock, punk, ska and reggae, everything you could listen to in London at the time! And this intro from Lou Reed is perfect! Here’s Alternative Xmas – A selection of Xmas Songs, with a difference
And now what you need is some Italian hip hop! Yes signore! Let Casa Purple-episode2-Rap Italiano & Trip Hop surprise you!
Since you want to shake smoothly, this is perfect to chill or to listen to, dancing: Tom Ravenscroft’s Tru Thoughts 2020 a jewel you can play loud!
Now you’re ready for DJ Vadiiiiiiim ! Today : best of reggae roots style, is perfect to smoothly shake your body! Don’t be afraid, it really starts at 2:30!
Ok, now you’re ready, you are not going to go to bed, you are going to make some space and dance as you turn the sound way up! it’s hot and it’s time to dance: The Latin Lounge – Salsa Mixtape
Now you can rest and take it easy until the morning, I don’t know how you do it but here in France we open the Xmas presents on the 25th in the morning! SO here’s to dnace the night away! Have fun with Délicieuse Musique Soudsystem, 2h40 mixtape!
Dear readers, a Merry Xmas to You!