Taïga tales is a new adventure series from Podsol. Last June between two lockdowns or two waves of Covid, our frineds had the luck to go to Finnmark, in Norway, in the middle of nowhere, just among beloved friends and fly fishing, it could be called paradise. Here are their new adventures!
#1 The Grayling King : in the maze of currents, among the slippery rocks, he’s guiding you, he’s holding your shoulder when you’re about to fall and points the grayling you did not see, and he’ll help you catch it, he is the Grayling King, he knows it all. He is the Grayling King a, his name is Markus Lemke. Kristian Matsson, Håvard Stubö et Rolf Nylinder are only fly fishermen!
#2Trout & Rain When you are there, in the midle of nowhere, in the heart of Finnmark in Norway and it’s raining non stop, you check the weather forecast and as soon as the rain stops you get to the river, wait for the water to be clear, like the skies. Then, BAM!
It’s always a pleasure to see our friends from Podsol, here we ar with Håvard Stubø from Jazz & Fly fishing, sheltered in his tent, waiting for a better weather. Luckily we can now know the hourly forcast with our phones, it takes away a little part of the adventure, but it’s great to know what to expect! Once the rain stopped, you have to wait a few hours for the river level goes down a bit, than you have to wait for the water to get less murky, than you can have the chance to hook a big fat mama!
We hope you’re safe and that you’re watching this film at home, nice and warm. Let’s hope that virus stays away from you. Have a nice weekend!