I wanted to share with you my favorite nymph. I never move around without it. My box is full of them, big, small, heavy, light.
This special one, I brought it back from my first fishing trip. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were 6 fly fishermen in a Ford transit rented for the occasion. We made about 800 kilometers to reach Croatia without a spare wheel because we had punctured a tire from the start. I was new to fly fishing and it was thank to this trip that I discovered nymph fishing. After a meal in Risnjak National Park, Joseph, the guardian of this sanctuary, showed us his fly box and we made an exchange. My mentor laughed at me when I caught that fly. I tried it right away. Trout and Grayling were completely seduced by this horror for my greatest pleasure. Now a lot of fishermen around me use it. It works very well in the United States, Sweden, and New Zealand. This time, no step-by-step photos but a video. The beat is signed Pyotr, I really love his work and I invite you to check it out here. Good tying to you all.