A colourfull cover like that, we wish all mags had one! Sexier than a fish on the shore, more appealing than expensive gear, it’s like a fireworks that celebrates THE MISSION #29!
Booze and Beats! How to start on a good foot! Here’s the recipe of the real Bloody Mary (and for the ones who like me, don’t drink, take the booze out and make it a Virgin Mary!) every rednose will tell you “nothing better to start the day with when you need to kill the hangover”! Once you’ll have your glass in hand, turn up the sound and listen to West Coast Wolves mixtape!
Basie Vosloo, a tribute to a great fly fisher (and much more)!
Portrait of a guide, Alex Waller, in New-Zealand.
What happens beneath the surface? Life of a river as never seen before.
Alan Hobson from Angler and Antelope Club
Spaghetti all Sudan! Meredith McCord, knows the flats, is used to triggerfish, GT’s but Spaghetti worm, she was not expecting that!
Zandvelei River, take a close look.
Andre Van Wyk (@nepptuna) and his hairs! Yes of course you know him! he’s the guy who has this awesome page on Instagram! Check those flies, real beauties!
Le Salad Bar! get ready to ask Santa what you k-need, Xams is only 3 months away!
Patagonia Swiftcurrent Expedition Waders Front Zip, full test complet (we love that wader) !
John Thoabala, portrait of the guy from Mavungana Flyfishing’s Dullstroom Store! We love it!
And to end why not go check what’s on The Mission Shop? There’s plenty of goodies and yo can order the Print magazine!